
Events conducted

Date Program/Activity Name Goal/Impact
14/07/2023 Tree plantation To reduce the carbon foot print of the college by planting more trees
27/04/2023 Awareness program on e-waste management To create e waste awareness to community health workers
29/03/2023 Awareness program on e-waste management To analyze the key issues and challenges in existing e-waste management system.
20/03/2023 Awareness program on SAVE BIRDS To create awareness among the people to save the endangered bird Sparrow from become extinct.
15/03/2023 conservation of eco system by right soil cultivati To create awareness about conservation of eco system by right soil cultivation.
29/10/2022 seminar To restore the beauty of Kanyakumari and make plastic free campus.
24/09/2022 Inauguration of eco club 2022-2023 Formal inauguration of non professional cells
17/12/2019 Tree plantation To give awareness to the students about preserving the nature and beautifying the campus
12/10/2019 Tree plantation The carbon credit of the college will increase
14/09/2019 Seed ball preparation The students will know how to make seed balls by themselves and will act as ambassadors to further the mission to regreen kanyakumari district
15/08/2019 Tree plantation The carbon credit of the college will increase
13/07/2019 Tree plantation The carbon credit of the college will increase
11/10/2018 Training for Paper bag making To train the students to make paper bags as an alternative for plastic bags
22/09/2018 Seed ball preparation To impart the knowledge of making seed balls to the students
24/03/2018 Tree plantation To show the corporate social responsibility in the form of tree plantation in other institution
10/03/2018 Tree plantation To show the corporate social responsibility in the form of tree plantation in other institution
12/07/2017 Eco camp visit - Keeriparai To make arrangements for conducting an awareness program during elephant day and trekking
21/04/2017 Awareness talk To give awareness to the students about preserving the nature
08/04/2017 Tree plantation To give awareness to the students about preserving the nature and beautifying the campus
31/03/2017 INAUGURATION Inauguration of the club
22/03/2017 Tree Plantation To show the commitment towards environment